terça-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2013

Hank and Karen

Um diálogo retirado do seriado "Californication" primeiro texto que não é de minha autoria, mas merece ser lido, assim como o seriado merece ser visto. Abraço.

  • Hank: You happy?
  • Karen: What?
  • Hank: It's a simple question, are you happy?
  • Karen: I don't even know what that means anymore
  • Hank: Lets make it specific, does Bill make you happy?
  • Karen: Yes.
  • Hank: Bullshit! No!
  • Karen: He does, he makes me very happy.
  • Hank: Like I make you happy?
  • Karen: You don't make me happy, you make me fucking insane.
  • Hank: I never made you happy, is that what you're saying?
  • Karen: Oh yeah, once upon a time, you made me happy but then you made me crazy, that was okay too, for a while. but then I evolved.
  • Hank: Oh you outgrew me.
  • Karen: Yeah.
  • Hank: I understand. And I didn't?
  • Karen: No, you stayed right in the crazy.
  • Hank: Well that's a hell of a way to sum up a decade long love affair.
  • Karen: Well Mr. Moody, how would you summon up?
  • Hank: I would say we love each other too much. Too much. And I think we made a mistake of getting it right the first time and that put an insane amount of pressure on us to keep it going. And we buckled. You know what i miss most about, well, aside from Becca of course, I miss your smell.
  • Karen: That's it?
  • Hank: When you left I couldn't wash the sheets cos I didn't wanna lose that completely - you. and it fucked me up for a long time because I'd wake up and I'd smell you and I'd think you were there. my heart would break all over again. i think that's why I go in for the kiss all the time.

Um comentário:

  1. Eu acho que algumas pessoas nos deixam felizes, mas ao mesmo tempo, irritadas também. É aquela velha história de sentir vários sentimentos ao mesmo tempo por uma pessoa só. Por exemplo: a mesma que me faz feliz, também me decepciona e me deixa triste.
    Eu não assisto Californication, mas o meu irmão sim e ele diz que é uma das melhores séries que existe.
